
20180211 姫路南ロータリークラブ60周年記念 チャリティコンサート /The 60th anniversary event of Himeji Minami Rotary Club Charity Concert

20180211 姫路南ロータリークラブ60周年記念 チャリティコンサート ~カンボジアの子どもたちへノートやえんぴつを贈ります~ /The 60th anniversary event of Himeji Minami Rotary ClubCharity Concert  ~ to send stationary to Cambodian children ~
20180211 姫路南ロータリークラブ60周年記念 チャリティコンサート /The 60th anniversary event of Himeji Minami Rotary Club Charity Concert

表記語順 written in:日本語Japanese → English → Deutch

20180211 姫路南ロータリークラブ60周年記念




日時2018年2月11日(祝) 14:00~16:00
出演者福田紫妃(ヴァイオリン) 橋詰智博(ピアノ・指揮)
淳心学院高等学校 音楽部

from 橋詰智博:


20180211 The 60th anniversary event of Himeji Minami Rotary Club

Charity Concert

~ to send stationary to Cambodian children ~

*All the ticket sales was spent on sending stationary
to Combodian children by Himeji Minami Rotary Club

Date11 February, 2018 14:00~16:00
VenueHimeji Caspa Hall
Organized and sponsored by Himeji Minami Rotary Club
PerformersTomohiro HASHIZUME (Conduct / Pf) Murasaki FUKUDA (Vn)
Junshin Gakuin High School (Brass Band)
Performed Pieces (excerpt)Violin Concerto by Paganini,
La Campanella by Paganini, SAKURA Variations,
Improvision by Chopin
Theme mucis of NHK drama “Sanada-Maru” etc.

Message from Tomohiro:

This concert was organized by Himeji Minami Rotary Club as its 60th anniversary charity event. Whenever I perform at a charity concert, I'm glad to do something for somebody in need somewhere in this world. I'm always sure of my good luck to have performances in safe places. At the same time, I'm concerned about people in need for help in the world. If my music can contribute, even a little bit, to helping those people, I'm greatly honored. And I also enjoyed myself by collaborating with high school students. They reminded me of my school days – actually, I graduated from the same school, Junshin Gakuin – and of my dream I've had since then.


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